Wolfgang Herrndorf Short Stories – #2 Series

Portrait of Wolfgang Herrndorf

Every now and then we will feature whole authors and much of their writings. As there is often a lot to write for us and for you to read we will do this in a series of posts covering a book each.

Wolfgang Herrndorf Short Stories are definitely worth reading. He is one of the authors who influenced me a lot during recent years. The sad thing is: He died from a brain tumor, which is part of his later writings.

Wolfgang Herrndorf – An Author From My Hometown Berlin

Living in Berlin he used to be a writer for quite some time until he published his first successful book in 2012: Tschick. 

I red it back then and nowadays pupils read it as well during school. I would have loved to read literature like that but we were reading the likes of Brecht and Goethe of course. 

Actually I ended up reading all of his writings, which is why I am covering them for you in this first series of it’s kind. 

Wolfgang Herrndorf Short Stories

Wolfgang Herrndorf has also written a number of short stories ranging from funny to thrilling. In some the tension is always in the air and you expect the whole scene to explode any second. Yet, he just does not let you off the hook and you have to keep reading. In others you can’t stop laughing over the authenticity of the characters. You have to keep in mind that Wolfgang Herrndorf is a child of eastern Berlin, who are known for their straight forward tongue. He is no exception nor are his characters. They will bluntly speak out what is on their mind and thus this book is also a way to learn that. You will definitely benefit from his readings should you plan to visit Berlin anytime during your life. 

There are actually two books with different stories. One is “Diesseits des Van-Allen-Gürtels” the other “Die Rosenbaumdoktrin”. Both are linked here and are highly recommended. As short stories are not long you will get through them quickly. Sadly they haven’t been translated to English yet.

Enjoy “Diesseits des Van-Allen-Gürtels”: amazon.co.uk | German amazon.de 

Enjoy “Die Rosenbaumdoktrin”: amazon.co.uk | German amazon.de 

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