Quality Coverage #2: The Impact of Nuclear Bombs

Hey seekers of quality! This is a longread of our series “Quality Coverage” where only high standard journalism is featured.

In times when journalism is perceived as a freebie you don’t get to read breathtaking content everyday. Unless you have subscribed to some print (oldschool) or online newspapers and magazines. Sometimes, though, articles are so good that editors take them from behind the paywall for us all to read.

The second quality coverage we’re hosting here is a rather old in-depth report on the impacts of the nuclear bomb of Hiroshima. There were only a few survivors who are the only people to ever experience such a horrible event. This 1946(!) issue of the New Yorker tells their stories. It’s a timeless piece and reminds us which destructive weapons are still around. Especially considering the tightening tension between the countries of the world these days.

Enjoy: Hiroshima

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